Bendetta Perry

Jan 30, 2018



Ladies! It’s Valentine’s Day! It’s flower day! It’s candy day! It’s the heart felt and romantic card day! Did you know that an estimated $18 billion dollars will be spent to show how much love means to so many people. February 14th will be a very happy day for so many. Many will give and receive gifts that expressed love and admiration. How many more will not. So many hearts will swell with appreciation and worth, while so many more hearts will shrivel into heart break and low self-esteem. The great songstress made these words famous, “What’s love got to do with it?” Love and hate are the most powerful emotions that a person can express towards another. On this especially man made day, Love has everything to do with it.

For God is love and it is only the love of God in a person that can truly love you the way you deserve to be love. Who doesn’t want to be loved? Everyone is looking for love and when that one day of the year that’s considered to be that special day of love, so many are sadly affected. How do I survive that day and everyday and feel good about myself if another human being does not express to me that I’m special to them? There’s a scripture in the Bible that tells us to love one another. It tells us to love. Love is an action word followed by kindness that comes straight from the heart without game or motive. Be that special someone that gives love to others. If you wait for someone to love you, you might be waiting for a while. But if you give love, love is immediate. If you hug someone, a hug in return is usually immediately. Inspire others to love by loving others. Love one another.

Evangelist Bendetta Perry

Fragrance of the Spirit – God’s Aroma

#Inspiration #GodsLove #IRRESISTIBLYMAGAZINE #BendettaPerry
