Dec 31, 2019

2020 Forgetting What's Behind & Seeing What's In Front Of You!

There comes a time in life when you have to forget what is behind you and look to what is in front of you. Many people are blocked and snared by their past. Their past has an incredible hold upon their future, which stifles their true life existence and productivity. They can't seem to resolve the issues that surround their life and they are constantly conflicted with knowing how to lay hold of their life. They seem to be stuck and imprisoned, bound by situations of their past, whether it was or was not of their own making. They may have been born into a situation that due to the decisions of others, they have become bound by these circumstances, resulting in holding them captive. There could be a myriad of issues, from emotional or physical abuse, the loss of a loved one, financial deprivation to neglect. But even in the midst of the worst set of circumstances, true freedom can be attained.

Freedom comes first in the mind. In one case scenario a wife in an abusive relationship with her husband, who belittles her, causes her fear and emotional stress. In the midst of her personal turmoil, she feels she has no way out. She either succumbs to her circumstance or with boldness and determination her self-preservation kicks in and her own self-worth emerges that catapults her to freedom. She may be afraid of the future and lost without help, but the true love of her own life will rise and swell up within her and she will declare that she is better than this, she is better than taking the abuse that has robbed her of her joy, respect, and self-worth of who and what she is. There comes a time when letting go of the past and leaving what is behind you, is your only saving grace. It is the only lifeline that you have that saves your heart and soul from the pitfalls of life.

Walking away from something that doesn't benefit you or brings you harm, is an absolute must, even if it pierces the heart to its core. There are times when you just can't fix or change things, and the best answer and solution is simply to "Let It Go." Your unseen future is bright with purpose when you take the challenge and step to move forward towards making your life beautiful and fulfilled.

#IrresistiblyMagazine #CandaceChambersBelidaIrresistibly #2020 #NewYear #LetItGo
