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One of my most favorite songs durning the Holiday Season is the incredible song”Baby, It's Cold Outside" written by Frank Loesser in 1944.

This song highlights pure romance, in amorous affection the love dance begins. There is nothing more alluring and seductive than when two people that have amazing chemistry and affection spar in affection. Through this song the man subtly pursues his lady with gentle strokes of affection based solely upon the weather, that if she only thought to stay it is much warmer in his arms cuddled in his warm embrace then facing the wintery cold air. I love how she echoes back but I must go, knowing that this love chase is kindling more the fire between them. Romance is suppose to be wonderfully alluring and captivating. This is what is so fantastic about this exchange between this couple. Romance is King and Seduction is Art. Nowadays some folks complain that romance is elusive or boring. Have we let the love dance fall to the waste side? Have we abandon the dance of words by now sending a bland text where there is no longer any mystery when it comes to dating?

When romance is in the air you have to suck in the air, and let it be euphoric to your senses. When it comes to the weather let winter be your winter bliss, hibernating with the one you love. Of course I feel that this should be something that spills over through out all seasons no matter what the temperature is. Taking the time out for each other is essential to having a loving and healthy relationship. So as this Holiday Season is upon you, cozy up to the crackling fire with the one you love, nestled together in each others arms. "Baby It's Cold Outside."

Yeah- Baby Its Cold Outside.


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