Face The Future Head On!

Scared To Death! Well, you are not alone. After 2020 practically everyone was hiding under their bed with the trepidation of heart waiting to see what is coming around the corner. Yes, indeed it was the shock of a lifetime. From Covid-to lockdowns to personal loss it's been a time of tremendous sadness and fear. No one seems to escape the wrath of 2020. But truth be told if you are reading this, "Thank God" you did and you are still standing. 2020 Was a whirlwind of a storm. With thunderous power, it left its havoc around the world. No one walked away unscathed by its brutality. Yet the amazing thing, we all have become stronger, and more fierce. Slapped in the face with adversity, we turned the other cheek and our self-perseverance kicked in and though we may have been bruised and bloodied, humanity like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, became a force to be reckoned with. We came together in love, compassion, the oneness of heart. We all began to realize that we all are in this together.
Now mind you we all still have our own opinions and views, but we do realize for the survival of humanity we have to come together, forgetting about our difference and "Face Our Fears and Future Head On." Some of us will carry others, some of us will lead, but no matter what, we are all bringing something to the "Survival of the Future." Some are strong in faith, and with that faith, they are praying faithfully for the world, then some are warriors that stand on the front lines that fight to defend freedom, then those with compassion that heal the wounds of the wounded.
Despite its brutality and brokenness, the world is still a beautiful place, and together we all will rise again, and love again, and be restored, as we face a brighter day, with light and truth. So, No 2020 did not defeat us, but it empowered and enabled us to "Face The Future Head On," no matter what it threw our way. We will not be deterred or shrink back in fear but in resolute determination to move forward in power and faith, kissing the dawn of a New Day- Hello, 2021!!!