There is something to be said about Christmas Magic. As most children we grew up with the mystery of the Christmas Tale. Believing in the wonderment of Santa Claus and flying reindeers. It made the Holiday Christmas Season pure magic. From leaving chocolate chip cookies and warm milk by the fireplace for Santa, to truly hearing the pitter patter of his reindeers on the chimney top.What an amazing feeling it was.
Yes we all want to have something to believe in, something that is amazing, spectacular, and beyond describable. Well that's Christmas. For me Christmas is not only about wonderment, but about giving. Showing that incredible love we have for one another through giving. The greatest gift isn't just the presents under the trees, but the gift of taking the time out for one another. The time we spend with one another saying you are important to me, not just today but everyday. I take this to explore the greatest gift of all times, the gift of love, the Gift of God to his children. I thank God for the gift of love that supersedes earthly material gifts. Truly this is the real mystery of Christmas Cheer. So this Christmas Season give three special gifts, Time, Love, and You!
Love! Peace and Happiness Everyone!